C Language Chapter - 1 C Basics Introduction to C Language Character Set and Tokens in C Language First C Program in C Language Variables in C Language Data Types in C Language Constants in C Language Basic Input/Output in C Language Operators and Expression in C Language Chapter - 2 Conditional Control Statements Introduction if Statement if-else Statement Nesting if-else Statement else-if Statements Switch Case Statement Chapter - 3 Loop Control Structure Introduction While Loop for Loop do-while Loop Jump Statement Chapter - 4 C Functions Introduction to Functions Types Of Functions Defining and Declaring a Function Function Call and Return Statement Variations in Functions Passing Arguments to Functions Handling Non Integer Function Recursion Chapter - 5 Scope Rules and Storage Class Scope Rules of variables Storage Class Chapter - 6 Arrays Introduction to Arrays Defining and Declaring Array Memory Map of an Array Accessing Elements Traversing or Outputting in Array Initializing Array Passing Arrays to Functions Searching Sorting Chapter - 7 String Introduction to String Declaring and Initializing a String Standard Library String Function Passing String to Function & Array of String Chapter - 8 Structure and Unions Introduction to Structure and Unions Declaring and Accessing a Structure Initializing Assignment of Structure Arrays of Structures Nested Structures Pointers and Structures Passing Structure to Functions “typedef” for Structures and Unions Chapter - 9 Pointers Introduction to Pointers Pointer and Indirection Operators Pointer Variable Declaration and Access Initialization and Dereferencing of Pointer Variable Pointer to Pointer Chapter - 10 File Handling Introduction to File Handling Operations on File Text VS Binary Files Command Line Arguments