Character Set and Tokens in C Language with Free Notes

Introduction – Character Set

A character set is a set of characters which can be used to represent the information in C Language.

It is a set of all the alphabets, digits, and special symbols used in C Language which are:

Alphabets A to Z, a to z
Digits0 to 9
Special Symbols,.;:!?@#$%+*

So to learn any Language, one must has to know the character set of that language.

C Language Hand-Written Notes

Introduction – Token

When the compiler is processing the source code of a C Program, each group of characters separated by while space is called as a token.

A token is source program text that the compiler does not break down into separate elements.

A token is one or more symbols understood by the compiler that help it interpret your code. e.g. Keywords, Identifiers, Constants, Strings, Operators, etc.

C tokens are the basic buildings blocks in C Language which are constructed together to write a C Program.

KeywordsKeywords are the reserved words meaning has been already defined to C compiler.
Constant Constants are expression with fix value.
Identifier The term identifier is usually used to identity various programming elements e.g. variable names
StringSequences of Characters
Special Symbol Symbols other than the Alphabets and Digits and white-spaces.
OperatorsA symbol that represent a specific mathematical or non mathematical action.

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