Chapter - 1
Python Basics
- Introduction to Python
- First Program in Python
- Variables
- Data Types
- Operators
- Comments in Python
Chapter - 2
Control Statements
- Introduction
- Conditional Statements
- Loops
- Control Flow Statements
Chapter - 3
- Introduction to Functions
- Defining Function
- Calling Function
- Returning Function
- Default Arguments
- Variable Scope
Chapter - 4
Modules and Packages
- Introduction
- Creating and Using Modules
- Creating and Using Packages
- Namespace and “_ _name_ _”
- Sub Packages
- Module ALiases
- Standard Library or Third-Party Module
Chapter - 5
Data Structure
- Introduction
- Lists
- Tuples
- Dictionaries
- Sets
- List Comprehensions
- Nested Data Structures
- Iterating Over Data Structures
- Sorting and Searching
Chapter - 6
File Handling
- Introduction
- Reading Data From Files
- Writing Data to Files
- Using “with” Statement
- Working with Binary Files
- File Pointer Position
- CSV Files
- JSON Files
Chapter - 7
Object-Oriented Programming
- Introduction
- Classes and Objects
- Constructor & Destructor
- Instance and Class Attributes
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- Method Overriding
- Access Modifiers
- Abstract Class
- Class Method and Static Method
- Operator Overloading
Chapter - 8
Error Handling and Exception
- Introduction
- Syntax Error Vs Exception
- “try” -“except” blocks
- Handling Multiple Exceptions
- “else” and “finally” clauses
- Raising Exceptions
- Custom Exception Classes
- Handling Unhandled Exceptions
- “assert” statement
- Exception Chaining
Chapter - 9
Function Programming
- Introduction
- Pure Function
- Immulability
- HOC (Higher Order Function)
- Lambda Function
- Map, Filters, Reduces
- Closures
- Decorators
- Generators
Chapter - 10
Advanced Data Structure
- Introduction
- Stacks
- Queues
- Linked Lists
- Trees
- Graphs
- Hashing and Hash Maps
- Trie
- Disjoint-set (Union-Find)