Chapter - 1
Introduction to CSS
- What is CSS?
- Role of CSS in Web Development
- Evolution of CSS
- CSS Syntax Overview
Chapter - 2
CSS Basics
- CSS Ruleset Structure
- Selectors
- CSS Comments
- Cascading and Specificity
- Inheritance in CSS
Chapter - 3
CSS Properties and Values
- Text Properties
- Box Model Properties
- Display Property and Box Model Types
- Background Properties
- Positioning
Chapter - 4
Layouts and Flexbox
- CSS Box Model
- Floats and Clearing Floats
- Positioning Techniques
- Introduction to Flexbox Layout
- Flexbox Properties
Chapter - 5
Grid Layout
- Introduction to CSS Grid Layout
- Creating Grid Containers and Grid Items
- Grid Lines and Grid Tracks
- Grid Properties
Chapter - 6
Responsive Design with CSS
- Media Queries
- Viewport Meta Tag
- Responsive Units
- Creating Responsive Layouts
Chapter - 7
Transition and Animation
- Transition Properties
- CSS Animations
Chapter - 8
CSS Preprocessor
- Introduction to CSS Preprocessors
- Features and Benefits
- Variables
- Nesting
- Mixins
- Functions
Chapter - 9
CSS Frameworks
- Introduction to CSS Frameworks
- Features and Benefits
- Grid Systems
- Components
- Utilities
Chapter - 10
Advanced CSS Topics
- CSS Variables (Custom Properties)
- CSS Custom Selectors
- CSS Grid Layout Techniques
- CSS Filters and Blend Modes