C# Language
Chapter - 1
C# Basics
Chapter - 2
Control Structures
Chapter - 3
Methods and Functions
- Defining Methods
- Method Parameters and Return Type
- Method Overloading
- Recursion
- Lambda Functions
Chapter - 4
Object-Oriented Programming
- Introduction to OOP
- Classes and Objects
- Access Modifiers
- Constructors and Destructors
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
Chapter - 5
Advanced OOPs Concepts
- Interfaces
- Abstract Classes
- Sealed Classes
- Static Classes and Members
- Partial Classes and Methods
- Nested Classes
Chapter - 6
Exception Handling
- Understanding Exceptions
- Try, Catch, Finally Blocks
- Throwing Exceptions
- Creating Custom Exceptions
Chapter - 7
Collections and Generics
- Arrays
- Lists
- Dictionaries
- Sets
- Stacks and Queues
- Generic Collections
- Iterators and Enumerators
Chapter - 8
Delegates and Events
- Understanding Delegates
- Delegate Types
- Events and Event Handling
- Anonymous Methods
Chapter - 9
LINQ (Language Integrated Query)
- Introduction to LINQ
- LINQ Syntax
- LINQ to Objects
Chapter - 10
File I/O
- Reading and Writing Files
- Working with Streams
- File and Directory Operations
Chapter - 11
Multithreading & Parallel Programming
- Introduction to Multithreading
- Creating and Managing Threads
- Thread Synchronization
- Task Parallel Library (TPL)
- async and await
Chapter - 12
Network Programming
- Introduction to Networking
- Working with Sockets
- TCP and UDP Communication
- HTTP Client and Web Requests
Chapter - 13
Database Connectivity
- Introduction to ADO.NET
- Connecting to Databases
- Executing Commands
- Using Data Readers
- Using Data Sets and Data Adapters
- Entity Framework
Chapter - 14
Windows Forms and WPF
- Introduction to Windows Forms
- Basic Controls and Events
- Layout Management
- Introduction to WPF
- Data Binding in WPF
- Styles and Templates in WPF
Chapter - 15
Security in C#
- Understanding Security
- Authentication and Authorization
- Encryption and Decryption