MongoDB E-Book

Author - Pawanpreet Singh

Topics Covered in this E-Book

Chapter - 1 : Introduction to AngularJS
Chapter - 2 : AngularJS Architecture
Chapter - 3 : Directives and Expressions
Chapter - 4 : Controllers and Scope
Chapter - 5 : Filters and Forms
Chapter - 6 : Services and Dependency Injection
Chapter - 7 : Routing and Single Page Applications (SPAs)
Chapter - 8 : Custom Directives
Chapter - 9 : HTTP Communication
Chapter - 10 : Authentication and Security
Chapter - 11 : Testing in AngularJS
Chapter - 12 : Building and Deployment
Chapter - 13 : Advanced Topics

Note: - This E-Book is especially for those persons who have some knowledge about MongoDB, not a 0% but Something.

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