C++ Language
Chapter - 1
C++ Basics
Chapter - 2
Input/Output Statements
Chapter - 3
Control Statements
- Introduction
- if Statement
- if-else Statement
- Nested if-else Statement
- else-if ladder Statement
- Intro about Loops
- While Loop
- For Loop
- Do-While Loop
- Nesting of Loop
- Jumping Statement
Chapter -4
- Basics of Functions
- Categories of a Function
- Parameters Passing Mechanism
- Recursion
- Storage Classes
- Inbuild Function
Chapter - 5
- Introduction Arrays
- One Dimensional Array
- Two Dimensional Array
- Multi-Dimensional Array
- Passing Arrays to Function
- Character Array
- Array of String
Chapter - 6
- Basics of Pointers
- Pointer and Arrays
- Array of Pointers
- Pointer and Const
- Pointers to Pointers
- Void Pointers
- Pointers and Functions
- Dynamic Memory
Chapter -7
Structure and Union
- Basics of Structure
- Arrays OF Structure
- Nested Structure
- Structure with Function
- Pointer to Structures
- Bit Field
- Union
- Enumerated Data Types
- Type Aliases (typedef/using)
Chapter - 8
Object and Classes (Part - 1)
- Basics of Object and Class
- How to Write a Class
- Member Function in Class
- Function Overloading
- Constructor
- Destructor
- Dynamic Memory Allocation for Objects
- Pointers to Objects
Chapter - 8
Object and Classes (Part - 2)
- Types of Member Function
- Static Keywords
- CONST Keyword
- Array within Class
- Class – Structure and Union
- Data Abstraction
- Data Encapsulation
- Objects with various Storage Class
Chapter -9
- Basics of Inheritance
- Inheritance visibility Mode
- Types of Inheritance
- Hybrid Inheritance
- Ambiguity Inheritance
- Types of Base Class
- Constructor and Inheritance
- Destructor with Inheritance
- Function Overriding
- Composition
Chapter - 10
Operator Overloading
- Basics of Operator Overloading
- Implementing Operator Overloading
- Unary Operator Overloading
- Binary Operator Overloading
- Relational Operator Overloading
- Class Member Access Operator (->) Overload
- Type Casting
Chapter - 11
- Introduction about Polymorphism
- Virtual Function
- Pure Virtual Function
- Virtual and Pure Virtual Destructor
- Types of Polymorphism
- “this” Pointer
Chapter -12
File Handling
- Introduction File Handling and Streams
- Opening and Closing a File
- Reading/Writing Data From Files
- Text and Binary Files
Chapter - 13
Exception Handling
- Basic of Exception handling
- Throwing and Catching Exceptions
- Rethrowing Exceptions
- Nesting Exceptions
- Exception Specification
- C++ Standard Exceptions
Chapter - 14
- Introduction about Templates
- Types of Templates
- Default Parameters For Templates
- Function Template and Static Variables
- Class Templates and Static Variables
- Non-Type Template Arguments
Chapter -15
Standard Template Library
- Introduction about Standard Template Library
- Container Library
- Bitset
- Iterator
- Auto_PTR
- Algorithm