C++ Quizs

In this C++ Language Quiz section - every Question Carries 2 Marks. If any question is wrong then two marks will be deducted.

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C++ Quizs

1 / 60

C++ was originally developed by ???

2 / 60

Which Operator is having right to left associativity in the following ?

3 / 60

Which Operator is having the highest precedence ?

4 / 60

What is this operator called ?: ?

5 / 60

Choose the correct Option.

extern int i;

int i;

6 / 60

Pick the Right Option,

Statement 1: A definition is also a declaration

Statement 2: An identifier can be declared just once.

7 / 60

Which is the given statements are false,

  1. extern int func;
  2. extern int func2(int, int);
  3. int func2(int, int);
  4. extern class foo;

8 / 60

Can two functions declare variables (non static) with the same name.

9 / 60

Which header file is used with input and output operations of C++ ?

10 / 60

How many indicators are available in C++ ?

11 / 60

What is the benefit of C++ input and output over c input and output ?

12 / 60

How many groups of output of operations are there in C++ ?

13 / 60

Pick out the correct objects about the instantiation of output stream ?

14 / 60

How Many types of output stream classes are there in C++ ?

15 / 60

Which of the following is not logical Operator ?

16 / 60

Which of the following cannot be checked in a switch-case statement ?

17 / 60

Which of the following cannot be checked in a switch-case statement ?

18 / 60

Where does the execution of the Program starts ?

19 / 60

What are the mandatory parts in function declaration?

20 / 60

Which of the following is used to terminate the function declaration?

21 / 60

How many max number of arguments can present in function in c99 compiler ?

22 / 60

Which is more effective while calling the functions ?

23 / 60

What is the scope of the variable declared in the user defined function ?

24 / 60

How many minimum number of functions are need to be presented in C++ ?

25 / 60

Which of the following declares correctly an array ?

26 / 60

What is the index number of the last element of an array with 9 elements?

27 / 60

What is array ?

28 / 60

Which of the following accesses the seventh element stored in array ?

29 / 60

Which of the following gives the memory address of the first element in array ?

30 / 60

Which of the Following is illegal ?

31 / 60

The data element in structure are also known as what ?

32 / 60

What will be used when terminating a structure ?

33 / 60

What will happen when the structure is declared ?

34 / 60

The Declaration of structure is also called as ?

35 / 60

Which of the following is properly defined structure ?

36 / 60

Which of the following accesses a variable in structure *b ?

37 / 60

An object is

38 / 60

By default class members are

39 / 60

Class is a

40 / 60

In Classes, C++ use which access specifiers

41 / 60

Which of the following is not member of class

42 / 60

Which of the following term is used foe a function defined inside a class ?

43 / 60

Which of the following cannot be friend ?

44 / 60

Which of the following is correct about class and structure ?

45 / 60

Which symbol is used to create multiple inheritance ?

46 / 60

Which design Pattern benefit from the multiple inheritance ?

47 / 60

Which of the following permits function overloading in C++ ?

48 / 60

In which of the following we cannot overload the function ?

49 / 60

Which of the following operators can not be overloaded ?

50 / 60

Which of the following operators are overloaded by default by the compiler ?

  1. Comparison Operator (==)
  2. Assignment Operator (=)

51 / 60

Which of the following keyword is used to overload an operator ?

52 / 60

The binding of a function call at runtime is

53 / 60

Run time Polymorphism can be achieved with

54 / 60

If a class contains pure virtual function, then it is termed as

55 / 60

Which stream class is to only write on files ?

56 / 60

Which stream class is to only read from files ?

57 / 60

Which among following is used to open a file in Binary Mode ?

58 / 60

Which keyword is used to handle the Exceptions ?

59 / 60

Which Exception is thrown by dynamic_cast ?

60 / 60

What do you mean by "No Exception Specification" ?

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