Data Structure Algorithm in Java

DSA in Java

Building data structures and algorithms requires that we communicate detailed instructions to a computer. An excellent way to perform such communication is using a high-level computer language, such as Java. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the Java programming language, and we continue this discussion, focusing on object-oriented design principles. We assume that readers are somewhat familiar with an existing high-level language, although not necessarily Java. This book does not provide a complete description of the Java language (there are numerous language references for that purpose), but it does introduce all aspects of the language that are used in code fragments later in this book.


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In Java, executable statements are placed in functions, known as methods, that belong to class definitions. The Universe class, in our first example, is extremely simple; its only method is a static one named main, which is the first method to be executed when running a Java program. Any set of statements between the braces “{” and “}” define a program block. Notice that the entire Universe class definition is delimited by such braces, as is the body of the main method.

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