Explain the Types of Queues in DSA with Free Notes

Here we explore the Three Advanced Types of Queues: –

1. Circular Queue

A Circular Queue is a linear Data Structures in which the last position is connected back to the first position to make a circle.

Key Characteristics

  • Fixed Size: – It has a fixed size, and elements are enqueued and dequeued in a circular manner.
  • Circular Increment: – The next position of the last index is the first index which makes the Queue Circular.
  • Front and Rear: – Two Pointers, front and rear, track positions for dequeuing and enqueuing respectively.

2. Priority Queues

A Priority Queues is an Abstract Data Type where each element is associated with a priority. Elements are dequeued based on their priority rather than their position in the Queue.

Key Characteristic

  • Priority Levels: – Each element has a priority level assigned to it.
  • Ordered Queue: – The highest Priority elements are dequeued before those with lower priority.
  • Dynamic Order: – The order of elements can change dynamically as priorities are assigned.

3. Deque (Double-Ended Queue)

A Deque (Double-Ended Queue) is a more generalized form of queue where elements can be added or removed from both ends. This flexibility allow it to function both as a Queue and a stack.

Key Characteristicss

  • Bidirectional Operations: – Support insertion and deletion operations at both the front and rear end.
  • Versatility:- It can be used to implement both FIFO and LIFO structures.
  • Dynamic Size: – Typically implemented using dynamic arrays or linked lists to accommodate varying sizes.

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