Discuss how discard variables (_) can be used in C#.

discard variables (_)

discard variables: – In C#, discard variables, represented by an underscore (_), are placeholders used when you want to explicitly ignore a value or result you don’t intend to use. Discards help improve code clarity and avoid unnecessary memory allocation or variable declaration for unused values. – discard variables

How Discards Work

The _ symbol acts as a “write-only” variable. The compiler recognizes it as a discard, ensuring no memory is allocated for the value, and it cannot be read.

Common Use Cases

Ignoring Out Parameters: When using methods with out parameters, you can discard values you don’t need:

if (int.TryParse("123", out _))
    Console.WriteLine("Parsing successful, but result discarded.");

Tuple Deconstruction: In tuple assignments, you can ignore specific elements:


var (name, _, age) = ("John", "IgnoreThis", 30);
Console.WriteLine($"{name} is {age} years old.");

Pattern Matching: Discards can be used to match patterns without capturing data:

if (obj is Person _)
    Console.WriteLine("The object is a Person, but the instance is discarded.");

Event Handlers: In event subscriptions where the sender or event args aren’t needed:

button.Click += (_, _) => Console.WriteLine("Button clicked!");

Switch Expressions: Discards simplify switch expressions by ignoring unmatched cases:

string result = input switch
    1 => "One",
    _ => "Default" // Matches all other cases


  • Improved Readability: Signals that a value is intentionally unused.
  • Performance: Prevents unnecessary memory allocation.
  • Cleaner Code: Reduces clutter in methods with multiple return values.
discard variables

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