Chapter - 1
Introduction to JavaScript
- What is JavaScript?
- Role of JavaScript in Web Development
- Evolution of JavaScript
- JavaScript Syntax Overview
Chapter - 2
Variables and Data Types
- Declaring Variables
- Primitive Data Types
- Complex Data Types
Chapter - 3
Operators and Expression
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Conditional (Ternary) Operator
- Operator Precedence
Chapter - 4
Control Flow Statements
- if...else Statements
- Statements
- for Loops
- while and do...while Loops
- break and continue Statements
Chapter - 5
- Declaring Functions
- Function Parameters and Arguments
- Returning Values from Functions
- Function Expressions and Arrow Functions
- Function Scope and Closures
Chapter - 6
Arrays and Objects
- Creating Arrays
- Array Methods
- Creating Objects
- Object Properties and Methods
- Object Constructors and Prototypes
Chapter - 7
DOM Manipulation
- Introduction to the DOM
- Selecting DOM Elements
- Manipulating DOM Elements
- Creating and Removing DOM Elements
- Event Handling
Chapter - 8
Asynchronous JavaScript
- setTimeout and setInterval Functions
- Promises
- Async/Await
Chapter - 9
Error Handling
- try...catch Statements
- Error Objects Best Practices
- Error Handling Best Practices
Chapter - 10
Working with JSON
- JSON Syntax Overview
- Parsing JSON
- Stringifying JavaScript Objects to JSON
Chapter - 11
ES6+ Features
- Arrow Functions
- Template Literals
- Destructuring Assignment
- Default Parameters
- Rest and Spread Operators
- Classes and Inheritance
- Modules
Chapter - 12
- Introduction to the Browser Object Model
- Working with Windows and Frames
- Location
- History
- Navigator Objects
Chapter - 13
Local Storage and Session Storage
- Storing Data Locally in the Browser
- Using localStorage and sessionStorage Objects
Chapter - 14
AJAX and Fetch API
- Making Asynchronous Requests to a Server
- Working with AJAX
- Working with API
Chapter - 15
ESLint and Code Quality
- Introduction to ESLint
- Configuring ESLint Rules for Code Quality
Chapter - 16
JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries
- Introduction to JavaScript Frameworks
- Introduction to JavaScript Libraries