Types of Functions in C Language with Free Notes

Types of Functions

Basically there are two types of functions. There are,

  1. Library Functions
  2. User Defined Functions

1. Library Functions

  • There are number of library Functions available in C that are used to carry out various operations and calculations.
  • These are predefined in the compiler of a language and stored in a special library file.
  • If a programmer requires a particular library functions to be used in a program, the corresponding library file has to be included in the program e.g. #include<math.h> for mathematical functions, the corresponding library function is accessed and is attached to the program during the compilation process.
Free Hand-Written Notes

2. User Defined Functions

  • A function is a self contained block of statement that carries out some specific, well defined task specified by the user and is called as user defined function or simply a function.
  • Each and every C Program always consists of one or ore than one functions.
  • The one out of which must be main(), from which the execution of program begins with.
  • There is o function that can work independently . But that have to be called within the main() function.

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