What is the Loops in C Language ??? with Free Notes

What is the Loops in C Language ???

Loops are Control structures that allow us to execute a block of code repeatedly based on a condition. In other Words, Loops are important control structures in the C Language that let you know continually run a piece of code based on a given conditions, They provide you to ability to handle arrays or collection of data, automate repetitive activities and execute a certain number of times.

Types of Loops in C Language

We have mainly three types of Loops in C Language which we used for Loop Control Structure,

  1. while Loop
  2. for Loop
  3. d-while Loop

1. while Loop

Here is the syntax of while Loop in C Language,

while (condition) {
    // code block to execute while condition is true

2. for Loop

Here is the Syntax of the for Loop in C Language,

for (initialization; condition; increment/decrement) {
    // code block to execute while condition is true

3. do-while Loop

Here is the syntax of the do-while Loop in C Language,

do {
    // code block to execute
} while (condition);

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