Queue Operation
We have Four Types of Queue Operation,
1. Enqueue Operation
The Enqueue Operation is used for adds an element to the end of the queue. This process is used for placing the new element after the current last element and the it updating the rear pointer to this new element.
- First it identify the rear of the queue.
- Second, it place the new element at the rear.
- Third, it update the rear pointer to the new element.
2. Dequeue Operation
The Dequeue Operation is used for removes the front element from the queue. This involves taking the first element and updating the front pointer to the next element in line.
- In Step 1, it identify the front element.
- Step 2, we can remove the front element.
- and in Step 3, Update the front pointer to the next Element.
3. Front (Peek) Operation
The Front or Peek Operation is used for allowing the view of front element of the queue without removing it. This Operation is useful for inspecting the first element to be processed next.
- First it identify the front element.
- Then it return the front element.
4. isEmpty Operation
The isEmpty operation is used for check the whether the queue is empty. And Then it will return the boolean value: – “true” if the Queue has no elements, and “false” otherwise.
- Firstly, it Checks the front pointer is null or if the queue size is zero.
- Secondly, it returns “true” if the queue is empty; otherwise, return “false”.