What is the Recursion in C ???
Recursion is derived from the words recur which means repetition. In C, it is possible for the function to call itself. Recursion is the process by virtue of which a function or a procedure can call itself. e.g.
This means that function fun() is calling itself.
There are two Basics requirements for recursion:
- The function must call itself again and again.
- The Function must have an exit condition
Iterative Approach
The factorial of an integer n can be computed by the following iterative loop:
fact = 1;
for (i = 1; i<=n; i++)
fact = fact*i;
printf("\n The factorial of = %D = %D", n, fact);
Recursive Approach
We can also use an alternative approach of finding the factorial i.e.
n! = n*(n-1)!
So function f(n) is defined in terms of f(n-1). This type of definition is known as recursive definition. Now by the same definition the factorial of n-1 can be defined as
(n-1)! = (n-1)* (n-2)!
We can continue tis process till the end i.e. 0! which is equal to 1.
Thus algorithm for calculating the factorial n is expressed in terms of an algorithm for calculating the factorial n-1 and so on.
Th process described above can be implemented by using a function fact which is defined in terms of itself as shown in below:
fact(n) = { 1 if n = 0
n* fact (n-1) if n>0
For example, we cab have a function fact which calls itself as below:
fact (int n)
if(n ==0
return (n* fact(n-1));
The function fact is being called by itself but with parameter n being replaces by n-1. This ability of a function to call itself is known as recursion.
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Let’s take an example of Recursion, In this example, write a program to compute factorial of a number using recursion.
/*Factorial of a number using recursion*/ /*Factorial of Given Number*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { int fact(int); int num; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter a number"); scanf("%d", &num); f = fact(num); printf("\n The Factorial of %d = %d", num, fact(num)); getch(): } int fact (int n) { if (n==0) return (1); else return (n*fact (n-1)); }
Enter any Number 4
The Factorial of 4 = 24
How Recursion works internally ???
if we have to compare 4! using recursion. The steps to be followed by the above program are:
1. 4! = 4.3!
2. 3! = 3.2!
3. 2! = 2.1!
4. 1! = 1.0!
5. 0!= 1
6. 1! = 1.1 = 1
7. 2! = 2.1 = 2
8. 3! = 3.2 = 6
9. 4! = 4.6 = 24
OR it can be worked as below
fact (4) returns (4.fact(3)
which returns (3.fact(2)
which returns(2.fact (1)
which returns (1.fact(0)
which returns (1)))))
Special Notes:
Recursion can be used to write simple, short and elegant programs. However a recursive algorithm requires that must end the recursive calls. The absence of this condition would result in an infinite loop. For example, in function fact the condition “n==0” is the required terminating conditon.
Since recursion involves overheads such as CPU time and memory storage, it is suggested that recursion should be used with care.